Sore winners have a few words for the opposition By Beth Quinn Times Herald-Record
Some of the Americans who count themselves winners in last Tuesday's election aren't exactly accepting their victory with graciousness. The following are excerpts from e-mails and voice mail I've received since Bush's victory. Spelling and punctuation are their own. Hi Beth. Good luck on your move to Canada. And oh by the way p/u the other drunken Irish lush Ted Kennedy. And don't forget to take that other fat Irish slob Michael Moore. Pass them taters around. Ha! Ha! – Greg Klaus, formerly of Middletown gpk@ntelos.net (Note: For the record, I'm Dutch and Italian, not Irish. And while I can throw one back with the best of them, I've not yet reached the status of lush.) I hope you move to Australia. You can have your own pet salt water crocodile. – Bennett Stern bstern2@hvc.rr.com Hey Beth! Lovely day! God blessed America with a George Bush victory. What are you gonna' do? You cannot beat out our Lord Jesus Christ. HA HA HA HA! – No name, message left on voice mail (Note: Kerry was running against Bush, not Jesus.) I guess since the President was re-elected you are now filling your pants … So I guess you can take your list and use it where needed. – Irene solara@optonline.net The heartland of America told the decedent Yankee and the tree hugging (more important than people) left coast ... we are sick of your stupid selfish ways!! – Coachtugger@cs.com As you can see, the world spoke once again! ... Stop bashing Republicans, just because we have morals and we stand up for what is right, such as right to life, religion, family values, not the values of Kerry, Clinton, and Kerry's pathetic wife ... another ignorant Liberal. – Lori Cerisano, Newburgh LoriCJC@hvc.rr.com (Note: The world didn't speak. Only a bit more than half of Americans did. The world thinks we're morons.) Hopefully this is the last time your column will show up in the newspaper. I have been counting the days!!! Any way since my dog learned to go to the bathroom outside I have no more use for your column anymore. – Heywould Jablome bethquinnsucks@yahoo.com My my. I've heard of sore losers, but these folks are sore winners. They're like nasty little schoolchildren who say, "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah" when a classmate falls down and skins her knee. Let me tell you something. I recently read about a young Kerry-Edwards worker who was campaigning door to door. When he knocked on the door of one house, the owner responded in a huff. "I'm a Republican!" she said, as she slammed the door in his face. "Didn't you see my flag?" That, in the end, is what it boils down to. People like that huffy woman and my e-mailers act as though the riffraff who dare to speak out against Bush's policies are unwanted foreigners wandering their land. Yes, John Kerry conceded the election last Wednesday. But neither he nor his supporters were silenced. That's not what an election is about. For the moment, the pendulum in America is still swinging so hard to the right that the nation is off balance and in danger of becoming unhinged. But take heart, fellow losers. If the winners feel so threatened that they're still resorting to name-calling, we must keep on doing what we do – shine the light. And I have only this to say in response: Don't you see my flag? Beth Quinn's column will continue to appear on Monday despite the sore winners' wishes. Talk to her at 346-3147 or at bquinn@th-record.com
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